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Alessandra Henderson of Elektra Health on Launching Her First Product Against All Odds

Alessandra Henderson

Menopause. Half the population will experience it, and yet it remains under-researched, underfunded, and under-discussed. That’s where Alessandra Henderson and Elektra Health come in. With a mission to smash the menopause taboo, Elektra Health is a next-gen women’s health platform empowering women with evidence-based menopause education, virtual care, and a supportive community. 

It was her own personal health journey that showed Alessandra first-hand the importance of education surrounding hormonal health. While freezing her eggs in 2017, she realized her eyesight had changed as a side effect of the process. Alessandra wasted no time at all, founding Elektra Health in 2018.


In addition to her own experience, Alessandra’s B.A. from Vanderbilt University and MBA from Sloan MIT help make her the perfect founder to build a platform geared toward modern women.

Her mindset is focused on harnessing the power of the cultural moment to amplify the conversation around menopause, while taking advantage of a huge market opportunity.


When asked about her motivation, Alessandra repeatedly comes back to the importance of paying it forward. Speaking about her North Star for navigating her journey as a founder, she says, “Generosity is key – you get back twice over what you put into the world. I always like to make sure that I'm making introductions & connections, because I've been the recipient of others’ generosity. Paying it forward is the quickest way to have an outsized impact.”


Question: What has been the hardest moment for Elektra Health so far?


Launching our initial product one week before a massive pandemic hit. Thankfully we were set up to be virtual-first, but trying to stay connected & motivated as a small – and now remote – team was a challenge as a first-time founder.

Question: Where have you seen the biggest change in consumer demand?


Thankfully, the women in our community and our target consumer writ large are becoming only more educated & vocal & willing to demand more. A lot of that happens through Elektra's educational initiatives and thought leadership, but we're SO excited to be riding the "lightning in a bottle" momentum we're seeing in the women's health space in 2022, and beyond.

Question: What do you see as the key driver of consumer trends over the next 2-3 years?


Women are demanding a better experience in healthcare, as well as the cultural zeitgeist of talking about taboo topics such as menopause.

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