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Nicole Berrie of Bonberi on Searching for Healing


Nicole Berrie was searching for healing in a stressful, overwhelming world. Now she’s on a mission to take our relationship with food back to its roots.

While writing for Vanity Fair a few years after college, Nicole knew she needed something to offset the mounting pressure of tight deadlines and a jam-packed schedule. Her instinct took her to food, and she dove in headfirst. As she learned more and more about the benefits of plant-based eating – both from scientific and anecdotal sources – she realized she wanted to share the information she’d found, all in one place. So Nicole and a friend launched Bonberi as an online wellness destination. Over time, it became clear that most members of the Bonberi community were there for the food-focused content, so Nicole went all-in on recipe development and curation.


But Nicole quickly realized that there was an offline hole she could fill, too. Looking around, she saw that “there were lots of high-end vegan restaurants or ‘junk food vegan’ spots, but nowhere that combined fresh produce-driven, grab-and-go options that were nourishing, convenient, and easy to access.” So she took her Bonberi IRL, opening the first Bonberi Mart location in the West Village of NYC.


Now, in 2022, Nicole has not only opened another location in SoHo, she’s written a book. Body Harmony is part autobiography, part cookbook, and all about creating a healthy relationship with the food we eat and the way we eat it. When talking about intuitive eating and her own journey as a founder, Nicole offers one simple piece of advice: “Go with your gut.”


Question: What drove you to take the leap of opening Bonberi Mart?


I saw a need in the plant-based world for an easy, convenient grab-and-go concept in the city. I think more people are looking for convenient choices and like having the curation of salads made for them – they don't have to do the extra legwork, they know we've done the work for them, so they can just grab and go!

Question: What do you see as a key driver of consumer trends over the next few years in your industry?


I think we’ll see a continued shift towards more plant-based items, not as a novelty but as a way of life.

Question: What advice would you give your younger self as she sets out on her journey as a founder?


Don’t be afraid to have the hard conversations.

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