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Julia Haber of Home From College on Continuing to Pivot


In business as in life, if you can master the pivot, you can master anything. And nobody makes the pivot look more graceful than Julia Haber, founder of Home From College. After graduating from Syracuse University in 2018, Julia was on track to build on the success of the business ventures she had begun in school. Then, in March 2020, just before launching a company focused on creating on-campus clubhouse workspaces, the pandemic hit and everything ground to a halt.

Instead of chalking it up to a loss, Julia did what she does best: she pivoted. This time, she asked the question on every student’s mind, “What does college look like when nobody’s actually on campus?” In the blink of an eye, Julia switched the plan from physical spaces to what would become Home From College, which she describes as “the best of LinkedIn and the best of MasterClass combined to create a content-based community.”

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Featuring resources from notable leaders in business, sports, fashion, tech, and more, Home From College began as Julia’s way of helping students navigate their college experience during these unprecedented times.

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When asked about where she finds the creativity that allows her to pivot so effectively, Julia says it’s all about staying true to the vision and believing “it’s always possible, even when it doesn’t feel like it is.”


Question: What makes you unique as an entrepreneur, founder, and leader?


I grew up with a learning disability, and I always thought outside of the box because I learned differently. I realized I was most successful because I didn't follow all the rules of what you should do. Later in life I realized this skill set made me incredibly successful as a leader. When I started my first business I realized many young students didn't know how to unlock those skills. That's why we built Home From College.

Question: What has been the hardest moment so far?


Continuing to pivot. The world is an unpredictable space, whether it's the markets, product, or team. Staying on our toes has been so important.

Question: What advice would you give your younger self?


Your heart will lead you. The path may be unclear, but if you trust your instincts, they will allow you to take the journey, no matter which direction you start.

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